Getting into an interview takes work and you need to prepar for it. Let me share how you can improve your chances of getting hired as a business analyst by 40%. Here is the list of the most recurring business analyst interview questions. Let’s have a look:
Most Common Business Analyst Interview Questions
The interviewer asks too many questions, but the most common ones are mentioned below:
Question # 1: What according to you are the role and core competencies of a business analyst?
Interpersonal skills like communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and negotiation are just as important as technical skills like a high aptitude for numbers and statistics and the ability to quickly pick up new systems and technologies.
Question # 2: As a business analyst, what are the tools which are more helpful to you?
There are many tools, but mostly used are:
- MS Office
- MS Visio
- MS Project
- Python
- R Programming
- QlikView
- Tableau
Question # 3: Describe a time when you had to handle a change in the project as a business analyst.
If the adjustments to the requirements are allowed in a few circumstances, then:
First, I’ll make a list of the changes to the requirements and prioritize them.
I’ll also review those adjustments/corrections/changes and see their influence on the project.
I’ll figure out how much it’ll cost, how long it’ll take, and how many extra resources it’ll take to cover the project’s impact from change requests.
And it will be tested to see if the changes influence or cause gaps in the functional design documents.
Question # 4: Have you ever heard of the term INVEST? What does it mean?
INVEST is an abbreviation of Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized appropriately, and Testable. Business analysts and project managers use this term to deliver quality services and products.
Question # 5:How do you keep yourself updated on the latest business trends and knowledge?
The recruiter wants to see if you’re motivated enough to stay up with the newest company advancements and trends with this business analyst interview question.
The interviewer is interested in learning how you keep your knowledge and skills current. You can respond to this question by citing news and industry publications. Add the events and conferences you attend to engage with the business community.
Question # 6: How will you define a good quality requirement as a business analyst?
A SMART rule is used to identify the characteristics and standards of a good requirement.
Specific: A requirement’s explanation should be perfect and specific enough to be understood.
Measurable: The success of the demand can be measured using a variety of parameters.
Attainable: Resources must be able to meet the requirements.
Relevant: Indicates what outcomes are achievable.
Timely: Project requirements should be revealed on time.
Question # 7: What are the steps included in developing a product from a basic idea?
I will start by listening to what a customer needs, paying close attention to what they state as their project objectives. I then dig deeper into our data to see how I can help them succeed or how I can help them adjust their mindset about their goals so they can move forward more productively. Of course, each project and client requires something different, so I always consider the unique circumstances rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all solution. The tentative steps can be Initiating, Planning, Executing, Testing, and Closing.
Question # 8: What kinds of diagrams should business analysts know about to improve their work?
Activity Diagrams and Use Case Diagrams are two diagrams that I prefer to use.
The many actions that take place across various departments are depicted in activity diagrams. I use Activity Diagrams to explain who interacts with a system and what the system’s major aims are.
Use Case Diagrams come in handy when I need to visualize the functional requirements of a system so that I may make informed design decisions and determine development priorities.
Question # 9: How would you work with a difficult stakeholder?
First, I will identify the challenging stakeholder in the group and patiently listen to and focus on their point of view.
Be courteous to them and do not immediately end the conversation with them.
A stakeholder will typically be tough to work with because they are uncomfortable with a few aspects of the project. As a result, pay attention to them and respond diplomatically to such difficult stakeholders.
Find a means to meet them in person and have a one-on-one conversation with them. You can demonstrate your loyalty to them in this way.
Try to figure out and address their motivations, such as whether they are concerned about the project’s budget or whether the project is progressing according to their vision.
Engage such challenging stakeholders on a regular basis and let them understand how important their input is to the project.
Question # 10: What is an alternate flow in a use case?
In case of a system failure, the alternative solution or activity in a use case should be followed.